Sunday, September 14, 2008

someting. here.

So, my theme/ content will focus on the review of the shows that I like from the New York Fashion Week.

The reviews are excerpt from

The pages will be all different, depends upon how I view, feel about the collection.

and more, here.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever consider placing your type diagonally inside that triangle on the top right corner?

FIA said...

The large letters in the background are definitely the most interesting. I would like them to be more distinct, not hidden in the back so to speak.

//Sofia Nilsson Djerf

Haley said...

i find the text block on the lower right corner very interesting. love the color scheme, matches the clothing line (loved it btw). you seem to have to things going on here btw. the left and right pages. they need to flow more, or the breaking points need to be more extreme.